heng li new energy 2016-06-07 19:52 release

on 19 february 2016, the company provided a law training for the employees concerned in order to enhance the awareness of law and perfect the procedure and content of signing contracts.

kong xiangkai, experienced lawyer in shandong guoyao law office was the lecturer of the training. presenting with ppt, he explained the meaning of contracts and legal benefits and then the procedure of signing contracts, among which verification on the contract content before signing it was taken as a key part.

finally, he answered the problems coming out from the signing and implementing the contracts. during the training, deputy general manager min lingmin, project deputy general manager kang xingchao, together with other stuff, took notes with great care and actively raised questions and tips of prevention.

the training, initiated by general manager li shuping, took lawyer kong xiangkai as the main lecturer, attended by deputy general manager min lingmin, project deputy general manager kang xingchao, engineering department, surveillance department, bidding and purchasing department, operation department, financial management department and project management department.