heng li new energy 2016-06-07 19:42 release

in february 2016 was held the annual symposium, where general manager mr. li shuping addressed a speech on conclusion of 2015 and prospects of 2016.

first and foremost, he made a summary about the projects carried out in 2015, confirming our fruits through efforts and encouraging us to keep spreading the spirits of striving.

at the same time, he pointed out some problems in some details, put forward the solution and provided the key point to dealing with emergency. finally, the 2016 company goal was made to achieve high revenue through working together, cooperating, advancing side by side so that we could take advantage of fire generation and achieve more in the field of new energy generating.

the speech had greatly encouraged every one. hardly had he finished the speech when production vice general manager mr. chen yanjun and project vice general manager kang xingchao were eager to address their speech respectively to conclude the design and project.

after the cheerful and inspiring speech, the host general manager yu invited the excellent team and employee to get awards on the stage.

during the interval, lottery and talent show were presented with excitement. the annual symposium was put to an end at 9:30.

the symposium was organized by hr and administration department, hosted by chief engineer yu lianhai.